Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 New Year's Blogging Resolutions

Hi Guys,

I've been thinking about something I would like to resolve to do on my blog in 2013.  So below are my blogging resolutions for 2013.  I am trying to be a more efficient reader and whittle down my ever growing TBR pile...

1.   Stop reading a series if I don't enjoy it.  I always start these series and then feel like I need to read them to the bitter end.  I need to stop this.  I am reading 82 different series right now and it is kind of scary.  That means each year there are at least 82 new books coming out just in series I am currently reading....

2.  Keep my review pile under control.  This year I finally whittled my review pile from 50 books down to 8 books.  I am really really going to try and keep it that way.  My new rule is only to accept two review books a month (unless it is in a series I am reading).

3.  Reduce my To Be Read pile.  Last year I ended the year with 275 books in my TBR pile  This year I am down to 261...okay, so not great but at least it is going down.  My new goal is to try and obtain less than 3 books a week.  This should enable me to actually reduce the number of books laying around the house.  Maybe when my son asks if I am ever going to read all of those books I can answer yes!!!

4. Do more spontaneous posting and be more socially active.  Right now because of my busy life style I do a ton of reviews and scheduled posts.  This is because I only have certain blocks of time I can set aside to work on this stuff.  This year I would like to do more News posts and maybe even some author interviews.  I used to do more of this, but kind of gave it up last year because of a busy kid activity and work schedule.  This will probably be the hardest resolution for me to stick with because I just don't have that much control over everything else that happens in my life (Work, kid, etc).

That's all I can think of right now.  Hope that you are all having a great New Year so far!

1 comment:

  1. Good resolutions. I could probably add some of these to my own.
