Genre: Urban Fantasy
Size: 528 pages
Publisher: Roc
Release Date: November 27, 2012
ISBN: 978-0451464408
Stand Alone or Series: 14th book in the Dresden Files series
Source: Bought
Rating: 5/5 stars
This is the fourteenth book in the Dresden Files series and it was an excellent read.
Harry Dresden is back from the dead but was forced to become Mab’s Winter Knight as part of the deal. As he struggles to recover after his ordeal, Mab gives him a command...kill Maeve. Harry returns to Chicago in an effort to figure out why Mab wants Maeve dead, but while there he finds out that something very very wrong is going on with the island of Demonreach. Now as Harry tries to reunite with old acquaintances he is left with very little time to kill Maeve, figure out my Mab wants Maeve killed, and figure out how to save Demonreach.
This was a great read. Harry is back to his old self in this book, but with new and awesome powers of the Winter Knight at his beck and call. We meet a great new character in the sarcastic and uber powerful Cait Sith. We also reunite with a lot of old favorites; Molly, Murphy, and Thomas all play large parts in this story.
A lot of things happen in this story and a lot of truths are revealed that just absolutely blow your mind. There were two or three times where I was like “Woah, no way!” We learn the truth behind the purpose of the Faerie Queens and the truth behind all of the strange things that have happened throughout this entire series. This is a book that truly brings together everything that have happened previously in this series.
I really really enjoyed it. This was a long book, but a good one. There are just so many awesome things in here. As you might guess Faerie is present in a big way; but we also get to learn more about the Outsiders.
This series continues to be very well written and very engaging. I am impressed that Butcher has been able to keep up the quality storytelling and wonderful momentum throughout this series.
Highly recommended to fans of this series. Also highly recommended to fans of urban fantasy; this is the series that started it all. It’s hard to believe that this series is still going strong and is still incredibly well done after 14 books! Can’t wait to see what the next book holds!
This book goes towards the following reading challenges:
- 150+ Reading Challenge
- Paranormal Reading Challenge
I just finished this book last week! I loved it, just as I have loved all of the Dresden Files books.