Genre: Science Fiction/Paranormal
Size: 464 pages
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Release Date: February 5, 2013
ISBN: 978-0312642969
Stand Alone or Series: 2nd book in the Lunar Chronicles series
Source: Borrowed from Library
Rating: 5/5 stars
This is the second book in the Lunar Chronicles. There are four books planned in this series with the third book, Cress, releasing in 2014 and the fourth book, Winter, releasing in 2015. This was an excellent continuation of this series. This book focuses on Scarlet and adds some wonderful new characters to the story.
Cinder’s story does continue in this book, as she tries to escape from prison. The majority of the book though follows Scarlet. Scarlet lives in one of the few operating farms in the French countryside. When her grandmother goes missing she travels into the city to try and get help. She gets help in the unlikely form of a street fighter named Wolf. But could Scarlet’s grandmother’s disappearance be tied in with the Lunar’s Queen’s politics?
The book switches between Cinder, Scarlet, and Prince Kai’s POV. The way the different POVs are done for this book works very well.
I absolutely adore the world this book is set in and the wonderful characters in this story. I love how fairy tale elements of Cinderella and Red Riding Hood continue to be woven throughout the plot. They are not the main plot elements but they are definitely there and influence the story.
The pace of the book is wonderful, the plot and characters are delightful. Cinder continues to be a very spunky character who is struggling with what she is and her responsibilities. Scarlet is less aggressive than Cinder but more caring and determined. Wolf is also an interesting character...he is torn between many loyalties but steadfast in his own way.
The story is definitely sci-fi...but it also has steampunk elements, cyborgs, aliens, and action galore. It was a wonderful read and I breezed through the was so hard to put down. This is a really long book that feels really short when you read it.
I also love how Meyer has the very personal stories of Cinder and Scarlet tied in with the bigger story of war coming between the Lunars and the humans. The smaller story and the more epic story are balanced very nicely.
Overall just an absolutely wonderful and creative YA read. This has got to be one of the most creative YA series out there. The book is easy to read, with a very engaging storyline and characters that are easy to relate to. The story is growing to epic proportions but it is still easy to follow. I really look forward to reading future books in this series. Recommended to those who like young adult science fiction with a big dose of mystery and adventure.
This book goes towards the following reading challenges:
- 150+ Reading Challenge
- ALIENS: Paranormal Reading Challenge
- Young Adult Reading Challenge
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