Sunday, May 29, 2011

In My Mailbox and Mailbox Monday - 5/30

IMM is a meme started at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.

Anyone can participate in IMM and you are not limited to only sharing books that arrive via your mailbox. You can also share books that you've bought or books that you've gotten at the library.

Mailbox Monday can be found at: The Printed Page

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week (checked out library books don’t count, eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

This week I got twelve books.  I bought three of them; Fire Dance was free for Kindle.  I got ARCs of Shimmer and Ashes, Ashes for $1.99 at The Strand Bookstore in NYC.  

I got a couple books from Amazon Vine.  I brought back seven books from BEA, the rest are in a box slowly coming to me via freight (I think it ended up being 38 pounds of books).  I got The Greyfriar signed by Clay and Susan Griffith and was soooo excited; they were lots of fun to talk to.  I am reading it right now and am loving it.

Anyway, you can see more info on them below.  Hope that you all have a great week of reading.  I will do a Vlog next week when I get the rest of the BEA books.  I can't even remember everything I ended up with, it was all kind of a blur.  I tried to only get books I was really interested in, but I ended up with a couple that people thrust into my hands and I wasn't sure what the book was about exactly.

 Fire Dance Shimmer: A Riley Bloom Book (Radiance) Ashes, Ashes
Fire Dance by Delle Jacobs
Shimmer by Alyson Noel
Ashes, Ashes by Jo Treggiari

From Amazon Vine:
The Dagger Quick The Map of Time: A Novel
Dagger Quick by Brian Eames
The Map of Time by Felix J Palma

From BEA (books I brought back in my bag):
Janitors Mind Over Monsters (A F.R.E.A.K.S. Squad Investigation) The Mephisto Covenant: The Redemption of Ajax The Dervish House Pathfinder Tales: Winter Witch Blood Rights (House of Comarré) The Greyfriar (Vampire Empire, Book 1)
Janitors by Tyler Whitesides
Mind over Monsters by Jennifer Harlow (signed)
The Mephisto Covenant by Trinity Faegen (signed)
The Dervish House by Ian McDonald
Winter Witch by Elaine Cunningham
Blood Rights by Kristen Painter
The Greyfriar by Clay and Susan Griffith (signed)


  1. I finished Blood Rights on the bus home from BEA and I loved it. Hope you like it!

  2. What an awesome mailbox!*_* I have just updated my wishlist. Happy reading! :D


  3. Thanks you guys for the comments :-)

    Christa, I am looking forward to Blood Right, glad you like it. I had to read The Greyfriar first because I have been wanted to read that forever! Just finished it and it was very good...I will post a review shortly.

    - Karissa

  4. I like the way everyone at BEA has boxes of books coming home!
