Genre: Urban Fantasy
Size: 384 pages
Publisher: K-Teen
Release Date: December 24, 2012
ISBN: 978-0758281463
Stand Alone or Series: 4th book in the Mythos Academy series
Source: ARC through
Rating: 4/5 stars
This is the fourth book in the Mythos Academy series. The fifth book will be titled, Midnight Frost, and is scheduled for an August 2013 release. I believe Estep is contracted for 6 books in this series. I really enjoyed this addition to the series. The book starts a bit slow, but really gained momentum by the end.
Gwen is accused of helping the Reapers by the Protectorate. She is forced to go on trial to defend against these allegations. Her friends know that the charges are bogus, but the Protectorate is certain that she is the one who freed Loki. Strangely enough the statues around campus seem to be on Gwen’s side.
This was a very good installment in this series, although not the best of the series. Right away Gwen is accused by the Protectorate of being a Reaper and releasing Loki. She spends a good portion of the book being bullied, ostracized, and basically just made to feel totally awful. As a result in the first half of the book there is very little action and a lot of Gwen trying to figure out how to clear her name.
The second half of the book is non-stop action and impossible to put down. This book really put Gwen through a lot; she's already gone through so much that my heart just broke for her in this book. The best thing is that now she has her friends and Logan to support and back her up.
Gwen does grow as a character. She’s learned to contain her temper and work through her problems. She acts very maturely throughout the book, at times I thought she was a bit too compassionate and forgiving given what she is being forced to go through. I enjoyed watching her learn more about her powers and watching her accept the support and love of those around her.
We see a lot more of Vic in this book, he is the most awesome talking sword ever. We also see all of the Gwen’s steadfast friends, although they are in the background for this book. There is a new addition to the cast of characters in a love interest for Oliver/guard for Gwen. He made a great addition to the series as well.
I continue to enjoy how mythology is woven into this world. Mythology really comes to the forefront with Loki free and Gwen continuing as Nike’s champion. We delve deeper into mythology in this book than in any other in the series and I really loved it.
The book ends at a bit of a cliffhanger and I am dying to know what will happen in the next book.
Overall this is a very well written installment in the series. The characters are excellent and we delve deeper than ever into the mythology that makes up Gwen’s world. My only complaint is that the pace of the first half of this book was slower than other books in the series. The book was still engaging and hard to put down. I can’t wait to see what happens in Midnight Frost. This whole series is highly recommended to fans of urban fantasy, especially fans of YA urban fantasy.
This book goes towards the following reading challenges:
- Horror and Urban Fantasy Challenge
- 150+ Books Reading Challenge
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